We can all learn from each other; We can all learn from one another. Old or Young, We can always learn from each other!

We can all learn from each other; We can all learn from one another. Old or Young, We can always learn from each other!

Proverbs 27:17, NIV As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
1 Thessalonians 5:11, NLT So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. See also: Bible Verses about Encouraging Others ; Bible Verses about Learning & Growing ; We all need each other.

“Got Your Shot?”
My boys – aged 4 and 2, absolutely love to play pretend. One minute our home is just a regular home, the next minute it’s been converted into space, a rocket ship, or a fantasy island full of hidden treasure. It never ceases to amaze me, how much fun they can have with the most basic things. I’ve had super heroes rescuing me from all sorts of danger. I’ve had great princes come visit me, and I’ve been on a rocket ship a million and one times, all thanks to the kids! lol.

One day, our home had become a doctor’s office. My 4yr old was the doctor, and my 2yr old and I were the patients. Our very capable and efficient doctor was always on top of everything. Let out a little sneeze or cough, and he’s right by your side with your prescription.

It’s time for your shots“! The doctor said that morning. “This might hurt just a little bit, but it’ll make you feel better, ok?

He came around and gave us our shots, one by one – as often as we needed them. We got shots when we were sick, and we got vaccination shots to prevent us from getting sick in the future. My 2 yr old was really excited and we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

And then my 2yr old got tired of getting shots. He wanted to give the shots for a change. “It’s your turn now!” he said to my 4yr old. “Come here, it’s time to get your shots, come quick!” My 4yr old burst out laughing. “That’s so silly!” He exclaimed, waving his little brother off. “Doctors don’t need shots!” He gave me a knowing look, expecting me to agree. I laughed and explained that even though doctors give shots and help make people better, they also need shots regularly too.

This reminded me of the fact that as children of God, we are sometimes doctors, and sometimes patients. Yes, our heavenly father is the great physician we can always depend on. But we are all working alongside God, taking turns being the “doctor” or the “patient”… regularly learning and applying truths from God’s word, as well as ministering to each other in love. Sometimes that hurts, sometimes it doesn’t.

But one thing is for sure – regardless of where we are in our relationship/standing with God. Whether we are “babies” or whether we’ve been believers for 50 years, we all need our shots. We may sometimes (subconsciously) act like we don’t need shots, especially if we’ve been Christians for a long time; Or maybe if we’ve been in the position of ministering God’s love to others – giving other people shots and helping them feel better when it hurts, and helping others grow and develop every day.

Dear Friends, we gain strength from God’s word, our communication/relationship with God, and from the fellowship we share with each other. We encourage each other, minister to each other, strengthen each other, and uphold each other. We give shots along with cookies and hot cocoa and help each other feel better when we are “sick”, as well as stay on track and prevent each other from getting sick in the future. But we are all members of the same body, young and old. We all learn from each other, build each other up, and help each other grow one way or another.
See also: Bible Verses about Helping Others; Bible Verses about Accountability

So please, join me in remembering that we all need our shots regularly – sometimes they’ll hurt a little – and your very next shot might end up coming from someone way younger than you are!
I pray that we will all continually learn from, encourage and sharpen each other…always!:)!
(We can all learn from each other was originally written by Bomi Jolly in March, 2010)

Thanks for reading, Dear Friends!
Have a wonderfully blessed, stress-free, productive, and joyful day!
Much Love & Blessings,
Bomi Jolly ~ JollyNotes.com
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