List Of Parables In The Bible: Jesus Parables for Kids, Youth, Children, Teenagers & Adults; Parables of Jesus Explained with Meaning, Lessons, Morals; All Parables of Jesus List, Parables of Jesus Christ Explained for Kids, Children & Adults

List Of Parables In The Bible: Jesus Parables for Kids, Youth, Children, Teenagers & Adults, Parables of Jesus Explained with Meaning, Lessons & Morals, Complete list of all parables of Jesus in the Bible – useful for Parables of Jesus for children, Parables of Jesus for youth and teenagers, Jesus Parables for kids (young & old), famous parables of Jesus, and Parables of Jesus Bible Study & Stories.

Explore Parables of Jesus Christ in the Bible, Luke & The Gospels, i.e. List of Parables of Jesus. Parables of Jesus Christ are explained with Meaning, Summary, Bible Study, Bible References & Moral Lessons. All parables in the Bible include all parables in the gospels (four gospels) – All Parables in the gospel of Luke, Parables in the book of John, Parables in Matthew, & Parables in Mark. It’s a complete list of parables of Jesus in the New Testament, including the well known parables of Jesus as well as the less famous Jesus stories.

All Parables of Jesus Christ from the Bible are simple, yet extremely powerful, compelling and relevant to our modern lives – can be adapted into modern parables of Jesus.

Parables and their meanings are explored, as well as discussion on Parable Names, Purpose of Parables in the Bible, Definition of Parable, Prophecy of Parable, Examples of Parables in the Bible, Meaning of Parables in the Bible, Purpose of Parables of Jesus, Parable Summary, Synonym, Explanation, Analysis; along with Supporting Bible Verses & Scriptures for all the parables of Jesus. Parables of Jesus Explained: Inspirational, Motivational, Uplifting, Encouraging & Useful Parables; Powerful, Practical, Convincing & Convicting Moral Lessons, Teachings, Morals & Stories from the Bible.

Please scroll down for a List of Parables of Jesus in the Bible. Read further down for the discussion on Purpose of Parables of Jesus, Parable Synonyms, Definition of Parable & Prophecy of Parable. Each topic listed below explores parables & their meanings. All parables of Jesus are extremely relevant for all ages – little children, older kids, teenagers, youth, young adults, adults, and the elderly.
If you have any questions, comments or contributions, please let me know.

There are so many great parables told by Jesus Christ in the Bible. Parables are also called Allegories, and they are simple stories or illustrations that people in the Bible days could all relate with. Parables of Jesus in the Bible are still relevant to us as modern Christians.

All the parables of Jesus Christ teach us, encourage us, motivate us, open our eyes and and help us to explore a wide variety of practical applications of Christianity – for instance what it actually means to serve God wholeheartedly, humility and what it means to be humble, what it means to show love, mercy and compassion, how to treat others with kindness and respect, how to avoid embarrassments, the importance of prayer, how to approach God, practical wisdom for daily living, growing in God, the importance of putting what we learn into practice, The Kingdom of God, moral lessons, and so many more.

Parables of Jesus from the Bible are useful & practical for all ages, even little children! Jesus Christ parables for children, youth, and adults are included in the list below. There are Parables from Nature, Parables about Animals, Parables for Children, and Parables about all kinds of people – believers and non believers, rich and poor, old and young. Please be encouraged to read these parable stories again and again. You’ll be sure to learn something new each time! God bless you and minister to you as you read!

List of Parables in The Bible, List of Parables of Jesus Christ, Parables of Jesus Christ Explained, List of All Parables & Their Meanings – (All the parables of Jesus).
*Parable names are List of Parables told by Jesus in the Gospels (all four gospels).
*Most parables of Jesus from Luke, Matthew & Mark, 1 from the Gospel of John.
*Includes Parable Summary, Explanation, Analysis, Lessons & Bible Study.
*Includes well known parables of Jesus & less famous parables of Jesus.

*Scroll Down for Definition, Purpose & Prophecy of Parables (right after parables of Jesus list).

All Parables of Jesus Christ in the Bible & Four Gospels – i.e. Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.
The Parable of The Ambitious Guest
The Parable of The Blind Leading The Blind (or Blind Man Leading The Blind)
The Parable of The Children in the Marketplace (Children in the Market,
or Children Sitting in The Market)

The Parable of The Debtors, Parable Of The Debt (Unforgiving Debtor, Unmerciful Debtor)

The Parable of The Two Debtors (The Forgiven Debts, Debt Being Forgiven)
The Parable of The Doorkeeper (Or The Faithful Servant or The Door keeper)
The Parable of the Evil Farmers
The Parable of The Faithful Servant and The Evil Servant
The Parable of The Farmer Scattering Seed (or The Sower and The Seed)
The Parable of The Fig tree (Or The Budding Fig Tree)
The Parable of The Barren Fig Tree
The Parable of The Friend at Night (or The Persistent Friend)
The Parable of The Good Samaritan
The Parable of The Good Shepherd
The Parable of The Grain of Mustard Seed (or The Mustard Seed)
The Parable of The Great Banquet or The Great Supper
The Parable of The Greedy Farmhands (Or The Wicked Husbandmen)
The Parable of The Growing Seed
The Parable of The Hidden Treasure
The Parable of The King and the Servant (Or The Unforgiving Servant, Unmerciful Servant)

The Parable of The King going to War
The Parable of The Laborers in the Vineyards (or The Workers in the Vineyard)
The Parable of The Lamp (Or Lamp under a Bushel)
The Parable of the Landowner
The Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man (Or The Rich Man and Lazarus)
The Parable of The Leaven (or The Yeast)
The Miracle of The Loaves & Fishes
The Parable of The Lost Coin
The Parable of The Lost Sheep
The Parable of The Lost Son (or The Prodigal Son)
The Parable of The Merchant Seeking Pearls (or Pearl of Great Price)
The Parable of The Mustard Seed (or Grain of Mustard Seed)
The Parable of The Net
The Parable of The New Wine, New Wineskins, New Cloth

The Parable of The Pearl of Great Price (or Merchant Seeking Pearls)
The Parable of The Persistent Friend (or The Friend at Night)
The Parable of The Persistent Widow and The Unjust Judge
The Parable of The Pharisee and Tax Collector (or The Pharisee and The Publican)
The Parable of The Prodigal Son (or The Lost Son)
The Parable of The Rich Fool or The Rich Man
The Parable of The Rich Man and Lazarus
The Parable of The Rich Young Ruler (Or The Rich Young Man)

The Parable of The Servant (Or The Unprofitable Servant)
The Parable of The Scribe
The Parable of The Shrewd Manager (or The Unjust or Unrighteous Steward )
The Parable of The Sower and The Seed (or The Farmer Scattering Seed)
The Parable of The Talents
The Parable of The Ten Talents, Ten Minas or Ten Gold Coins
The Parable of The Ten Lepers

The Parable of The Ten Virgins (or The Wise and Foolish Virgins)
The Parable of the Tenants (or The Landowner, Greedy Farmhands or Evil Farmers)
The Parable of The Tower
The Parable of The Two Debtors (Debt Forgiven, Debt being Forgiven)

The Parable of The Two Sons
The Parable of The Unexpected Guest or The Unexpected Visitor
The Parable of The Unjust Steward or The Unrighteous Steward
The Parable of The Unrighteous Judge or The Unjust Judge (& Persistent Widow)
The Parable of The Unmerciful Servant, Unforgiving Servant, Unmerciful Debtor
The Parable of The Unprofitable Servant

The Parable of The Vine and The Branches
The Parable of The Wedding Feast or The Wedding Banquet
The Parable of The Wedding Guests
The Parable of The Weeds ( Or Weeds in the Field, Or Weeds among the Wheat, Or The Tares )
The Parable of The Wheat and Tares (Or Weeds in the Grain, Or Wheat and Weeds)

The Parable of The Wicked Husbandmen (Or The Greedy Farmhands)
The Parable of The Wise and The Foolish Builders
The Parable of The Wise and Foolish Virgins
The Parable of The Workers in the Vineyard (or The Laborers in the Vineyard)
The Parable of The Yeast (or The Leaven)

Purpose of Parables in the Bible – Part #1
Jesus used parables in so many different ways. For instance:
1. Jesus very often used parables to instruct, teach, and edify his disciples and followers (see complete list of parables told by Jesus above).
2. Jesus used parables as part of a conversation in casual environments. He often used parables as “teachable moments” in such situations. For instance, Jesus told the Parable of The Two Debtors when he was a guest in a Pharisee’s home. He also offered a teachable moment in The Parable of The Fig Tree, a parable from nature.
3. Jesus used parables to answer questions. For instance, Jesus used a parable to answer a lawyer’s question in The Parable Of the Good Samaritan. Jesus also used The Parable Of The Rich Fool to answer questions about a family situation.
4. Jesus used parables to respond to situations observed around Him. He used parables as an opportunity to teach practical lessons for life, living, and pleasing God. For instance, Jesus used The Parable of The Ambitious Guest to illustrate important lessons on humility and how to be a guest.
5. Jesus used parables to respond to those who confronted him on different issues. For instance, Jesus used The Parable of The Two Sons and The Parable of The Wedding Feast to respond to those who challenged him.
Please scroll up to see the complete parables of Jesus list: famous Jesus stories, well known parables as well as the less commonly known parables of Jesus.

Purpose of Parables in The Bible – Part #2 – Matthew 13:10-17 (ESV)
Matthew 13:10-17 English Standard Version (ESV)
The Purpose of the Parables
Then the disciples came and said to him, “Why do you speak to them in parables?” And he answered them, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.
This is why I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.
Indeed, in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled that says:
You will indeed hear but never understand,
and you will indeed see but never perceive.
For this people’s heart has grown dull,
and with their ears they can barely hear,
and their eyes they have closed,
lest they should see with their eyes
and hear with their ears
and understand with their heart
and turn, and I would heal them.’
But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. For truly, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.

Prophecy of Parable – Prophecy and Parables in Matthew 13:34-35 (NKJV)
All these things Jesus said to the crowds in parables; indeed, he said nothing to them without a parable. This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet:
“I will open my mouth in parables;
I will utter what has been hidden since the foundation of the world.”

Parable Definition, Definition of Parable
1. A short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson.
2. A statement or comment that conveys a meaning indirectly by the use of comparison, analogy, or the like.

Another simple definition of a parable is “a moral story.”
Parable Synonym (i.e. Some Synonyms of the word “Parable”)
Allegory, Lesson, Teaching.

List Of Parables In The Bible, Parables Of Jesus From The Bible.
List Of Parables In The Bible, Parables Of Jesus From The Bible.
Thanks for reading, Dear Friends!
Have a wonderfully blessed, stress-free, productive, and joyful day!
Much Love & Blessings,
Bomi Jolly ~

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