Recommended Churches in Grand Rapids, MI & Beyond (USA), Recommended Churches in Grand Rapids: List Of Good Churches, Nice Churches, Great Churches

Looking for a Church home? I will by God’s grace update this page with Recommended churches in Grand Rapids, MI and beyond as I come across them (USA only). Please keep reading for a list of recommended U.S.A churches (states, cities, towns, townships, villages and counties across the country), as well as recommended churches specific to the Grand Rapids, Michigan area. For a much bigger list of churches in your local area, visit: – click on your state, and then your city. You will see a huge list of churches in the area. You can further filter the search results based on your preferences (e.g. by denomination or zip code).

I pray you find our list of Recommended Churches helpful (see list below). They are good churches, nice churches, great churches, but I don’t think any church on this list is perfect. I am however praying and believing along that God will lead and guide you to the right church for *you*.
Related: Great Churches in America

If you have any further questions about finding a church, please let me know.

Recommended Churches in the Grand Rapids, Michigan Area (USA)

1. Grand Rapids First Assembly of God
( They also have live broadcasts online during Sunday services. )
Pastor: Sam Rijfkogel
Service Times: Sundays – 9am and 11am
Wednesday Night Connection Classes: Time Varies
Free Zumba Fitness for Ladies – Weekly Classes (Donations welcome – not required.)
They have services and programs that are entirely in Spanish, a Deaf Ministry, as well as various other classes, ministries and small groups.

2100 44th Street Southwest
Wyoming, MI 49519-4255
Phone: (616) 531-2100

2. Kentwood Community Church
(I have been blessed worshiping at this church. I have friends who are members at this church. Very loving atmosphere.)
Lead Pastor: Kyle Ray
Service Times:
Saturday – 6:00 p.m., The Worship Center
Sundays – 9:15 and 11:00 a.m., The Worship Center
Wednesday – 11:00 a.m. – Worship Center Atrium
They also have several other ministries/outreach programs, including an e-devotional.
1200 60th Street
Kentwood, MI 49508
Phone: (616)455-1740 ; Toll Free: 1-800-884-9476
Crisis Needs – Ext 522 or 500; After hours Ext 1012

3. Resurrection Life Church
(I know several people who attend this church. They all have something good to say! I don’t think I’ve attended any of their services yet though.)
Pastor: Duane Vander Klok
Service Times:
Saturday 6:00 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM
Sunday – Spanish 11:30 AM (Rez Center)
Wednesday 6:30 PM
They also have several other ministries and outreach programs.
5100 Ivanrest Ave SW
Grandville, MI 49418.
Phone: (616) 534-4923

4. Madison Square Church
(I know several people who attend this church. We have also attended programs offered there in the past, including singing by the African Children’s Choir. Great Worship.)
Pastor: Dave Beelen
Service Times:
Sundays at 8:30, 10:00 & 11:30am, and 6:00pm
They also have several other ministries and outreach programs.
1441 Madison Avenue SE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49507
Phone: (616) 245-7791

*Continued on the next page, please scroll down to navigate to the next page.

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