Your Imperfections Can Be A Blessing – There Is Beauty In Imperfection!

Your Imperfections Can Be A Blessing – There Is Beauty In Imperfection!


Good Morning, Dear Friends!

I shared this story with my boys as we drove to school this morning. It was a blessing to me, and I trust it was a blessing to them as well! I really felt like sharing it with you today – I pray and trust it is a blessing to you all!

This story is about a woman who lived in a small village. Every morning, she would walk to the stream to fetch some water for her daily use. She carried her two pots using a stick she placed across her shoulders, one pot on the left, and the other on the right.

Every morning, she filled her two pots with water, and walked back home. By the time she got home, the pot on the left would still be completely full, but the pot on the right would only be half full. This is because the pot on the right had a crack in it which caused it to leak water.

One day, after the woman returned home, the cracked pot once again noticed that it was only able to hold half the water on the way back, while its counterpart was able to hold its entire contents. The cracked pot became very sad and discouraged, and expressed its sadness to the woman.

“I’m so flawed, I’m so useless, I could be doing so much better, I am not meeting my potential because of this crack… I shouldn’t even bother! I am wasting so much water, half the water is GONE by the time we get home every day! What’s the point?”

The woman immediately encouraged the pot, reassuring it that indeed, it was making a positive difference!

The next day, she showed the pot what she meant. For the first time, the pot noticed that the side of the path the woman carried the cracked pot on had blossomed with flowers and all kinds of vegetation. Every day, the water that spilled from the cracked pot watered the soil on its path, and this allowed the beautiful flowers to grow, bloom and thrive. The flowers in turn had attracted birds, bees and other beautiful creation to the area. The woman said to the cracked pot – Your crack made this possible! If it wasn’t for the daily water the soil received from you, we all wouldn’t be enjoying this beauty now!

This is just a reminder to us all, that there is beauty in imperfections – yes, there is beauty in our imperfections! Our imperfections can end up being a blessing to us and to others – God can use ANYTHING for good! Our failures, flaws, mishaps, missteps, mistakes, weaknesses, imperfections, shortcomings, are ALL a seed for beauty and greatness; and they can ALL be used to be a blessing to others and to glorify God! There is no situation God cannot turn around for good! Praise God!

So please keep your head up – imperfections and all! Stop criticizing yourself, and Stop comparing yourself to others! Keep pressing on, keep trusting God, and keep fixing your eyes on God! God is working, and God will work it all out for good, to the glory of His name – Amen.

1 Peter 4:10, NIV Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

Romans 8:28, NASB And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

See also:
16 Encouraging Bible Verses about Imperfections
Examples Of Imperfect People God Used In The Bible
Stay In Your Lane And Shine For God!
Refuse To Be Discouraged!
Live To Be A Blessing!
God Is Our Strength.

Your Imperfections Can Be A Blessing - There Is Beauty In Imperfection!
Thanks for reading, Dear Friends!
Have a wonderfully blessed, stress-free, productive, and joyful day!
Much Love & Blessings,
Bomi Jolly ~

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