Want To Hear God’s Voice? Get to know God.

Want To Hear God’s Voice? Get to know God.
Please, See also: Speak Lord, I’m Listening; & Listen for God’s Voice in Everything You Do.

Dear Friends, Do you want to hear God’s voice?
Do you want to hear God speaking to you?
Do you want to hear from God?
Do you want to walk in God’s will?
Then you must get to know God.

Here are some Inspiring Scriptures which reinforce these truths:
Jeremiah 9:23-24, NIV “This is what the LORD says: “Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the LORD.”

Matthew 6:33, NLT Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

Psalm 46:10, KJV Be still, and know that I am God.

Jeremiah 29:13, ESV You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

Psalm 32:8, NIV I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.

James 4:8, ESV Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.

Do you want to hear God’s voice?
Do you want to hear God speaking to you?
Do you want to hear from God?
Do you want to walk in God’s will?
Then you must get to know God.

See also: Getting to know God; Seeking God, Finding God; Spending Time in the Secret Place; Being Sensitive to God; 16 Encouraging Bible Verses about Hearing God’s Voice; 10 Bible Verses about Obeying God; Make Jesus Your Priority.

Thanks for reading, Dear Friends!
Have a wonderfully blessed, stress-free, productive, and joyful day!
Much Love & Blessings,
Bomi Jolly ~ JollyNotes.com

How To Accept Jesus Into Your Heart
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