The Past Is The Past. The Future Is Unwritten. What Matters Most Is What We Do TODAY.

The Past Is The Past. The Future Is Unwritten. What Matters Most Is What We Do TODAY. (~ By Bomi Jolly,


Dear Friends, I woke up with these encouraging words and thoughts on my mind this morning, and I wanted to take a couple of minutes to share them with you. I pray you are also encouraged!

The Past Is The Past – It is done! There is no point in continually dwelling on our mistakes, regrets, failures or even successes for too long. It’s already done. We can rehash the past a million times, but it won’t change what’s already happened in the past – it’s done and gone! Our part is to learn from our successes and failures, make amends or corrections where needed, and move on to be fully present in TODAY.

The Future Is Unwritten – We keep on planning, we never stop praying, and we keep trusting God. Yes, we keep our confident trust in God even as we do our own part for a great future by God’s grace. But ultimately, we don’t know the future, and no matter how wise or prudent we may be, no one knows the future! We can make all the assumptions or guesses we want about the future, but only God knows the future! The future is not written – we can’t predict it. All we know is that our future is in God’s hands!

Which brings us to TODAY.
Friends, What matters most is what we do today.
Let’s make it count for good!

The Past Is The Past. The Future Is Unwritten. What Matters Most Is What We Do TODAY.
What matters most is what we do today. Let's make it count for good!
Thanks for reading, Dear Friends!
Have a wonderfully blessed, stress-free, productive, and joyful day!
Much Love & Blessings, 
Bomi Jolly ~

How To Accept Jesus Into Your Heart
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