The Blood of Jesus Speaks For Me! Encouraging Bible Verses & Scriptures.
The Blood of Jesus speaks for me and you! Let us be Thankful for the Blood of Jesus!
See also: 10 Bible Verses about The Blood Of Jesus. (Please scroll down to read more words, thoughts and scriptures on “The Blood of Jesus Speaks for me.”)
Dear Friends, I kept hearing this phrase over and over again as I lay in bed last night:
“The Blood of Jesus speaks for me.”
Oh, what a powerful, beautiful and comforting reminder! The blood of Jesus speaks for me!!!
What victory in Christ Jesus we have ~ His precious blood speaks for us!
Thank you Jesus, for your precious blood that speaks for me!
Thank you Jesus, for your precious and selfless sacrifice!
Thank you Jesus, because I can come boldly to your throne of grace!
Thank you Jesus, because you truly care about whatever concerns me!
Thank you Jesus, because your love is so deep and so true!
Thank you Jesus, because we have overcome by the blood of the lamb!
Oh, I am SO thankful for the blood of Jesus, & for God’s Mighty Power!
The Blood Of Jesus Speaks For Me!
Encouraging Bible Verses & Scripture Quotes
Hebrews 12:24, NKJV to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel.
Revelation 12:11, KJV And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
1 Peter 2:24, ESV He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. Related: Bible Verses about Healing & Being Healed
Hebrews 9:14, ESV How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God.
Matthew 26:28, ESV For this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Related: God’s Forgiveness; The Power of Christ in me
Hebrews 10:19-22a, NLT And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place. And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s house, let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him.
Thank you Jesus for the victory we have in you!
There is power in the blood of Jesus.
The blood of Jesus speaks for me ~ I am so thankful for the blood of Jesus!
Thanks for reading, Dear Friends!
Have a wonderfully blessed, stress-free, productive, and joyful day!
Much Love & Blessings,
Bomi Jolly ~
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