Thank You God For Your Protection.
Good Morning, Dear Friends!
I almost got into an accident today. This car came out of nowhere and nearly ran into us as I drove my boys to school.
Thank you God for your protection – Thank you God for preventing this accident from happening!
You protect us from dangers seen and unseen, known and unknown.
May we never take your grace, mercy and protection for granted!
And Thank you God, because when we do go through hard times, you are there to guide us, heal us, restore us, and strengthen us.
No matter what we face in life, We are never abandoned by God. God is with us in every season, God is with us always!
Thank you God, so much for your protection over me and my loved ones.
Thank you God for saving us again and again.
May your name always be glorified in our lives, Amen.
Encouraging Bible Verse:
2 Corinthians 1:10, NIV He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us,
See also:
12 Bible Verses about God’s Protection
12 Bible Verses about Taking Refuge In God
What The Lord Has Done For Me, I Cannot Tell It All
My Help Comes From The Lord
My Hope Is In God
God Has Delivered Me.
Thanks for reading, Dear Friends!
Have a wonderfully blessed, stress-free, productive, and joyful day!
Much Love & Blessings,
Bomi Jolly ~
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