Thank You For Crying With Us. Thank You For Not Looking The Other Way.
Psalm 34:18, NIV The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Romans 12:15, NIV Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.
Dear Friends,
I cried bitterly, cried and cried for hours, after I heard about what happened with George Floyd and the other recent killings and flagrant mistreatment of African Americans. It took me a little while to actually learn what happened as I had not been paying attention to the news for a while, and I am not active on social media.
Friends, this really really really hurt. I can’t tell you how painful this was and still is. The previous ones have always hurt, but this particular one hit me in a way that I can’t explain, and I didn’t even dare watch the video.
I sobbed for hours after I heard. My body kept shaking, and my heart felt like it was breaking into two… NOT AGAIN! My husband hugged me as I cried and cried. Even now as I type, the tears are starting to fall once again. It is so difficult to think about; so frustrating to feel so powerless and helpless because this happens again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again, and nothing changes. It is SO painful, so horrible, SO frustrating!
I cry for my fellow Black Americans for whom a simple encounter with the police can quickly lead to unjust intimidation, humiliation or death, and often, nothing of significance is done about it.
I cry for the family and friends of those who have perished needlessly.
I cry for our young ones who are watching all of this unfold, and I am praying that their hearts will not be hardened.
I cry for the insensitive remarks made by some white people, many of whom are Christians, at such a horrible time.
I cry for the insensitive remarks made by some of our leaders and those in authority, knowingly or unknowingly instigating more hatred, more racism, more frustrations.
AT THE SAME TIME, I am so so so grateful to everyone who has cried with us, hoped with us, prayed with us, and spoken out boldly on our behalf.
I am SO grateful for the outpour of love, acknowledgement and support from so many.
I am SO grateful to the everyday people who are not being quiet about this, or just ignoring this thinking it has nothing to do with them.
I am SO grateful to everyone who has reached out with a call, text or message to acknowledge the unjust situation, and showing the people of color in their lives practical love by crying with us, praying with us, crying out to God with us, SPEAKING UP boldly when needed, and one way or another joining us in peacefully advocating for TRUE CHANGE.
I am SO grateful to all those who have tried to learn more about the issues, and tried to see how they can help make a difference.
I am SO grateful for the leaders who have spoken out to condemn these unjust actions, knowing that many are listening and that their words can make a difference.
Thank you for crying with us!
Thank you for praying with us!
Thank you for advocating with us!
Thank you for reaching out in love and support!
Thank you for your precious gifts of love and understanding!
Thank you for your kindness and encouragement!
Thank you for speaking up against injustice!
Thank you for NOT looking the other way!
Thank you for loving your neighbor as yourself!
We all need each other… So Thank you, Thank you, Thank you…. from the bottom of our hearts – Thank you!!!
May you experience a continual overflow of blessings for your kindness…
Keep being a blessing!
*May God help us all to grow in wisdom, humility, grace and compassion, so that we will all be a continual source of blessing and encouragement to those around us; especially those who are hurting.
Dear Friends, We will not give up.
We will keep on crying out to God, and trusting God even when we don’t understand.
We will keep on praying for peace; and for wisdom and understanding for those in authority.
We will keep on praying for God to heal and restore all hurting hearts, and to soften all hardened hearts.
We will keep on praying and trusting that God will have mercy on us all and heal our land. Amen.
See also:
Bible Verses about Racial Reconciliation
Bible Verses about Justice
Bible Verses about Injustice
9 Bible Verses about Speaking Encouraging Words
Speak Up When You See Injustice
Speak Words of Life, Not Death
Prayer For Racial Reconciliation & Healing
Though I Fall, I Will Rise Again.
Thanks for reading, Dear Friends!
Have a wonderfully blessed, stress-free, productive, and joyful day!
Much Love & Blessings,
Bomi Jolly ~
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