Little is much when God is in it – Scripture Verses, Bible Quotes, & Christmas Story – Little is much with God’s help!

We arrived at the store after church, ready to shop! They had delicious 12 Pack Peppermint Candy Canes on sale for just $1 per box. We excitedly loaded our cart with Candy Canes. They also had delicious boxes of Nestle Hot Chocolate on sale for just $1 per box. We excitedly loaded our cart with Hot Chocolate. lol.

At home, we made lots and lots of holiday packages, each including:

1 Box of Nestle Hot Chocolate, Rich Milk Chocolate Flavor
1 Box of 12 Peppermint Candy Canes
1 “Gift of Grace” Booklet from Our Daily Bread
1 “The Light is Here” touch card from our church, inviting people to the Dec 24th service, and
1 cheerful little card with written on it 😀

We put the 2 little cards in the Gift of Grace booklet, and placed the booklet in between the Candy Canes and the Hot Chocolate. We then secured each package with a colorful elastic band (we did this so the booklet and cards would stay secure with the other items). Finally, we wrapped it all up with colorful tissue I got from the dollar store (They sell 25 pack tissues for just $1!). Each pack of wrapped packages was then placed in a plastic bag. All done – ready to bless! LOL.

My community has a group Facebook page where we share recommendations, ask questions, share neighborhood news, etc. I posted a picture of all the items on my neighborhood page, and asked that whoever was interested in receiving a package should please let me know. It was a free gift from our family to theirs for the holidays. I offered them the option of free delivery (all right in my neighborhood), free pickup, or we could meet at the Clubhouse so I could give it to them. I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect, but we were expectant and trusted God for the best. We prayed enthusiastically: Holy Spirit, please do your thing!!! 🙂

Oh my goodness. I am so thrilled to testify that God used this little project to bless others AND to bless us! Like I said we had SO much snow that day so many were home sitting around indoors. Some kids went out sledding in the snow. Either way, what better day to drink delicious hot chocolate stirred with Candy Canes, and to reflect on God’s goodness.

We had SO much fun with this! We had many testimonies! We connected with many new neighbors, and we listened to their stories! We shared lots of smiles, hugs, and laughter! We wished people Merry Christmas! See also: 5 Testimonies of God’s goodness

We gave out gift packages on Sunday and also on Monday. Schools were closed on Monday because of all the snow, so we were home. We will be handing out more packages later this week by God’s grace. Guess what, Notes of gratitude have been pouring in. Some thanked us for bringing JOY to their home! Others said they would be visiting our church on Dec 24th! Some thanked us for showing them ENCOURAGEMENT AND LOVE in their time of discouragement! Others thanked us for encouraging FAMILY TIME as they shared this precious time drinking Hot Chocolate stirred with Candy Canes with their families. Some even called us ANGELS on earth! LOL! Angels! Wow!!! Hmm!

I wanted to share this story to show you that indeed, it’s not about how much you have. It’s not about how talented you are. It’s not about how rich you are, or how perfect you are. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the Hot Chocolate & Candy Canes that gave birth to these beautiful testimonies. Oh no, GOD’s UNFAILING LOVE did it all! Friends, God can use anyone! Our part is to be available to be used by God.

Thank you for your indescribable gift to us (2 Cor 9:15). May we always live our lives Honoring & Glorifying God. Oh Lord, please help us to always be available to be used by you! Please grant us open eyes to see how we can be an encouragement to others! Please help us to keep on growing one step at a time with God. Help us to mature in our walk with Jesus, and to hear you when you speak to us or lead us in a certain direction. Dear God, Help us to Trust in the Lord and do good. Dear Lord, Let your name always be glorified in our lives! Let our lives be a blessing to everyone around us! Let your light shine through us and in us! And may we always remember:
Little is much when God is in it – Little is much with God’s help!!! AMEN! 😀

Thanks for reading, Dear Friends!
Have a wonderfully blessed, stress-free, productive, and joyful day!
Much Love & Blessings,
Bomi Jolly ~

How To Accept Jesus Into Your Heart
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