Honor Your Blessings By Paying Your Bills On Time!

Honor Your Blessings By Paying Your Bills On Time!
See also: 12 Bible Verses about Paying Your Bills & Paying What You Owe.

Good Morning Dear Friends, I pray you are all doing well and enjoying your day so far! 🙂

I recently read a book titled “The Richest Man In Babylon”, and I really enjoyed it! It has a lot of very solid reminders – all very simple, helpful and inspiring! It is a great book with great advice and great information for living a financially robust life – I highly recommend it 🙂

I wanted to share one of the things that really stuck with me from this book… it is not a concept that is new to me, however, reading this book gave me renewed intention regarding this particular topic. The topic is on paying your bills on time, and not just on time, but as quickly as you can!

Sure, I have always made a habit of paying my bills on time. I try to put as many bills as possible on auto-pay, just to avoid the risk of forgetting to pay a bill on time. There are however certain bills that can’t really be put on auto-pay – for instance, bills that are not recurrent, the ones that just pop up from time to time.

In the past, when these bills came in the mail, I would put them aside, and plan to get to them sometime in the future, before the payment deadline. After reading The Richest Man In Babylon, I have a renewed intention to not just pay my bills on time, but to pay them as fast as I can! 🙂 This concept really resonates with me – I believe that this is such a great way to honor my blessings ! Now, when I get a bill, I RUSH to pay it! 🙂 You know why? I am so THANKFUL that I have the opportunity to pay my bills without having to worry about whether or not I have enough!

When we have the opportunity to pay our everyday bills without having to calculate, without having to think about how we are going to make it work, without having to worry or debate about what we might have to forgo in order to successfully pay this bill… I think it’s such a privilege to be able to do that! To honor this blessing, let us consistently pay our bills on time! And not just on time, but as fast as we can! I now pay my bills as quickly as I can, with so much gratitude and thankfulness in my heart!

This is also along the lines of something I have been doing even before reading the book – especially in the last couple of years. Every week, when I go grocery shopping or go on errands where I have to spend some money, I do it with profound gratitude… because honestly, it not lost on me that a lot of people, people who I’m no better than in any way, are struggling. Some cannot afford to consistently put food on their tables. Some cannot afford to purchase discretionary items for their children. A lot of people cannot afford to spend on basic things without having to think hard about where the money is going to come from this month. So I run my errands, do my grocery shopping, and pay my bills with profound gratitude for God’s provision, God’s blessings, and God’s mercy! It is so easy to take all of this for granted!

Dear Friends ~ Don’t take your blessings for granted, Don’t take your gifts for granted, & Don’t take your life for granted! Even if things are not exactly where you want them to be right now, be grateful for where you are, and Honor your blessings by paying your bills as fast as you can… with joy, honor, and deep gratitude to God!

So help us God, Amen.

See also:
Thanking God For His Blessings – Thanking God For His Many Blessings!
5 Bible Verses about Using Your Resources Wisely
10 Bible Verses about Using Your Time Wisely
12 Bible Verses about Paying Your Bills & Paying What You Owe
10 Encouraging Bible Verses about Paying Bills On Time
16 Thought Provoking Bible Verses About Not Paying Your Bills
Be Faithful in the Little Things
10 Bible Verses about Thanking God For Blessings
Don’t Take Your Blessings For Granted
Enjoy What You Have While You Have It
Everything We Have Comes From God.

Honor Your Blessings By Paying Your Bills On Time!
Thanks for reading, Dear Friends!
Have a wonderfully blessed, stress-free, productive, and joyful day!
Much Love & Blessings,
Bomi Jolly ~ JollyNotes.com

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