New Year Prayer For My Family and Friends, Happy New Year Prayer For My Family and Friends, New Year Prayers For Family & Friends ~ Happy New Year To All My Family and Friends!

New Year Prayer For My Family and Friends, Happy New Year Prayer For My Family and Friends, New Year Prayers For Family & Friends ~ Happy New Year To All My Family and Friends!

To All My Family and Friends: I am so thankful that God has made it possible for us all to see another new year. We cannot take this blessing for granted! Please scroll further down for Friends & Family New Year Prayers, after the Prayer of Gratitude to God below!)

Thank you God for your daily mercies! Thank you God for the gift of life!
Thank you Lord for your goodness, grace, and kindness!
Thank you Lord for granting us the opportunity to see and experience a new year, new month and new day! Thank you Jesus, Thank Lord!

HAPPY NEW YEAR, Dear Family and Friends!
I love and appreciate every single one of you ~ Thank you for being a part of my life!

New Year Prayer For My Family and Friends
My prayer for you as we welcome, celebrate and enjoy this new year is that you will experience much joy, much peace, and much love now and always. I pray that you will experience new hope, new beauty and new bloom even in the places where you least expected it. May positive dreams always come alive, grow and flourish in your lives, never wither. May disappointments be transformed into blessings, weaknesses to strengths. I pray that your dreams will come to fruition and that you will find fulfillment in all that you do. May all our lives be blessed and may we always be a true blessing to those around us.

I pray that this year will be an unprecedented year for every single one of us. I pray that God will do the unimaginable and the unprecedented in our lives – “immeasurably more than all we can ask, think or imagine.” I pray that God will take us to places we’ve never been. I pray that God will use us in ways we never dared to dream. I pray that we will grow exponentially in love, grace, wisdom, and in our relationship with God. I pray that we will have overflowing peace in God, and that our joy will be full!

May God turn our mourning into dancing, our tears into laughter, and our sorrow into joy. May God perfect everything concerning every one of us, to the glory of God and to the shame of the enemy!

I pray that God will help us all to live a life of love, to the glory of His name. May we believe the best about others, continually honor and serve God and others, and continually look out for others. May we have a positive impact on everyone in our sphere of influence. May we forgive quickly when we are offended. May we continually choose to remember what God has done for us!

May God keep us all safe from harm. May we always have abundant reasons to rejoice!
May God bless us continually, and help us to be a continual blessing to others too.
May God’s perfect will be done in all of our lives!

Ephesians 3:20-21, NIV To him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Happy New Year To All My Family and Friends ~
God Bless You Richly Today & Always!

With all my love and best wishes…
See also: 25 Encouraging Bible Verses for the New Year; 15 Inspirational New Year Prayer Points; My Prayer for You Today; 5 Inspiring Bible Verses For The New Year; Bible Verses about New Beginnings; and Prayers of Blessing in the Bible.

New Year Prayer For My Family and Friends, Happy New Year Prayer For My Family and Friends, New Year Prayers For Family & Friends ~ Happy New Year To All My Family and Friends!
Thanks for reading, Dear Friends!
Have a wonderfully blessed, stress-free, productive, and joyful day!
Much Love & Blessings,
Bomi Jolly ~

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