Focus On Your Strengths, Not Your Weaknesses!

Focus On Your Strengths, Not Your Weaknesses!

Good Morning, Dear Friends! 🙂

Today, I am being reminded that we are doing ourselves a disservice when we continually focus on our weaknesses instead of focusing on our strengths!

Sure, it’s helpful to know areas where we need to grow, so we can keep getting better and better, to the glory of God.

If we however find ourselves obsessing over our weaknesses instead of recognizing and developing our strengths, then we are doing ourselves a great disservice!

Eagles excel in so many areas – They are indeed rulers of the sky! Eagles have powerful wings and excel at flying. They are extremely strong and also have a very powerful grip. They are very smart, cunning, bold and intelligent. They are excellent hunters, excellent parents, and excellent life partners (they mate for life). They have excellent vision and are also capable swimmers (they can paddle in the water when they need to catch large fish).

However, Eagles have a lot of trouble seeing at night or in low light! This is one of their weaknesses, and as such, it is not wise for them to fly at night or in low light, when they can be easily attacked! Now there are many other animals that have excellent night vision! Imagine if the eagle insisted on doing its hunting at night, and carrying about all its other business at night? How foolish would that be??? It would be easily attacked and hurt. Instead, the eagle would do well to focus on all its strengths, and keep developing them!

Stop comparing yourself to others!
Stop criticizing yourself!
Stop focusing on your weaknesses and constantly beating yourself up about them!

Flee from all forms of temptation and work on developing your strengths, to the glory of God!
Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses!
Focus on God’s ability, not your inability!
Focus on glorifying God by giving God your best!

So help us God, Amen.

See also:
Becoming Who God Created You To Be;
Whatever You Do, Do It To The Glory Of God.
Thanks for reading, Dear Friends!
Have a wonderfully blessed, stress-free, productive, and joyful day!
Much Love & Blessings,
Bomi Jolly ~

How To Accept Jesus Into Your Heart
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