Encouraging Testimony of God Healing: It pays to obey God!

Encouraging Testimony of God Healing: It pays to obey God!

An Inspiring & Encouraging Testimony of God Healing the Sick.
See also: Testimony of God’s Healing Power; Testimony of Healing & Deliverance; &
5 Testimonies of God’s Goodness

Dear Friends,
Today’s post is inspired by a testimony shared by my friend Jen. 🙂 The title of her testimony is Second Chance Prayer, and you can read the entire testimony here.

In her testimony, Jen shares about how she felt led to pray for someone at work who had come looking for medication to help her with a painful headache that had lasted a couple of weeks. Let’s call this lady “Amy”. Despite some initial valid distractions, and despite a significant language barrier, Jen followed through and took a bold step of faith – She prayed with and for Amy, and then went back to her work. Some time later, Amy wanted to know what kind of GOD Jen served. She had been healed of her painful recurring headaches! How amazing is that?
See also: Obedience is the proof of faith in God.

Dear Friends, Jen’s simple act of obedience to God birthed at least three beautiful things:
1. A Testimony of God healing someone.
2. An Opportunity to confidently share God’s Love, God’s Grace, and God’s Power with others.
3. An Opportunity for Jen’s faith to grow!

Furthermore, because Jen took yet another step to share her testimony with us, many of us will consequently be strengthened and encouraged!

Dear Friends, It pays to obey God!
Yes! The benefits of obeying God are endless – Praise God!

Sometimes, God will lay it upon our heart to do something, but we might initially be distracted, nervous or shy about stepping out. But friends, we should PRAY with sincere and open hearts, and ask God to please give us another opportunity to carry out His specific instructions! Yes, we should pray and trust God to work it all out for the best. God is the master of second chances! God is continually working things out for good, even when we have may have “missed it” along the way! And the good news is, the more we step out in faith and obedience when God leads us a certain way, the more God will entrust to us! Praise God! See also: Being faithful in the little things

Now this of course does not mean that we should intentionally drag our feet when it comes to obeying God ~ We must not take God for granted!

May God help us to desire, more than anything, to please God! May God help us to be quick to obey God ~ Amen! But when life happens and we are somehow delayed in doing what we know God wants us to do, I hope we remember that it’s not too late to get back on track, it’s not too late to follow God wholeheartedly, it’s not too late to seek to do God’s will!

Dear Friends, It’s never too late to take part in the birthing of beautiful testimonies that arise from our obedience to God. So help us God, Amen. See also: Bible Verses about Obedience & Blessing

Thank you Lord for your encouragement today! Thank you Lord once again for your awesome healing power! I pray that we will be increasingly sensitive to God’s voice, and that you will grant us the confidence to step out in faith whenever we recognize your leading.
May God’s name always be glorified in our lives, Amen.
James 5:15, NIV And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well…
Psalm 119:60, NLT I will hurry, without delay, to obey your commands.

Thanks for reading, Dear Friends!
Have a wonderfully blessed, stress-free, productive, and joyful day!
Much Love & Blessings,
Bomi Jolly ~ JollyNotes.com

How To Accept Jesus Into Your Heart
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