Don’t Let Anger Control You.

Don’t Let Anger Control You.

We listened to a devotional on Our Daily Bread as I drove my son to school a few days ago. It was called Listening To Wise Advice. The story shared about President Abraham Lincoln really ministered to me, and I wanted to share it with you as well.

At some point during the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln had issued an order that was actually not wise. The Secretary Of War did not carry out the president’s order, and he indicated that Abraham Lincoln was a fool for issuing the order in the first place. Word got back to the president, and instead of blowing up in anger, he decided to think some more about it, and to discuss it further. Once President Lincoln gave it some more thought, he realized his mistake and immediately withdrew his order.

Wow wow wow.

What a powerful lesson in humility – What a compelling example of strength under control!

How many of us, even some of the most gentle of us, would have blown up in anger if that had happened to us? Especially when you are in such a powerful position? I mean, he was the PRESIDENT!

Dear Friends, It is normal and human to be offended or to get angry from time to time. But what do we do afterwards?

How we respond when we feel angry, offended, disrespected or even misunderstood, can make all the difference. Our words and actions can either lift up or tear down. Our words and actions can be a powerful example or a cautionary tale. Our words and actions can either build up a nation or destroy it!

Dear Lord, please help us to have the wisdom, strength and humility to not let anger, pride or offenses control us. Please help us to respond to every situation we encounter with grace, humility, and the wisdom not to take things personally. Please help us to look beyond ourselves, and realize that our words and actions can either build up or tear down, and that our words and actions have implications that can affect generations to come!

Most of all Lord, help us to always remember that in all that we do, we are representatives of Jesus! Please help us to keep shining for God in everything we say and do. Amen.

See also:
Letting Go Of Offenses
Bible Verses about Anger Control
Don’t Sin By Letting Anger Control You
Don’t Let Other People’s Actions Affect You
Bible Verses about The Power Of Words We Speak
Bible Verses about God Showing Us The Way
Lord Teach Me To Respond Not React
The Wise Listen To Advice
Go To God In Prayer.

Don't Let Anger Control You.
Thanks for reading, Dear Friends!
Have a wonderfully blessed, stress-free, productive, and joyful day!
Much Love & Blessings, 
Bomi Jolly ~

How To Accept Jesus Into Your Heart
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