Choose Every Opportunity To Experience Joy.
Good Morning, Dear Friends! Today’s post is short and sweet. It is a simple reminder to you and me, to please choose every opportunity to experience joy.
Life has its’ ups and downs for sure!
Which makes it even more vital that we choose to experience joy every chance we get.
We can choose to experience joy by believing the best about others.
We can choose to experience joy by cheering others up and encouraging one another.
We can choose to experience joy by intentionally surrounding ourselves with joyful things and joyful people.
We can choose to experience joy by doing things that make us smile. 🙂
We can choose to experience joy by learning from our mistakes, instead of wallowing in regret.
We can choose to experience joy by counting our blessings.
We can choose to experience joy by taking time to REST and enjoying our family and friends.
We can choose to experience joy by being intentional about the way we respond to people and situations. (Don’t let other people’s actions affect you)
We can choose to experience joy by being kind and gentle with ourselves instead of continually beating ourselves up. (Stop Criticizing Yourself)
We can choose to experience joy by forgiving others and letting go of offenses!
By God’s grace, I am choosing every opportunity to express joy every day.
By God’s grace, I am intentionally doing what brings me joy and fulfillment. 🙂 🙂 🙂
So help me God, AMEN. 🙏
See also:
21 Bible Verses About Opportunities In Life
5 Steps To Gratitude
Choices In Daily Life
Bible Verses about Choosing Joy
How To Live A Joyful Life
Bible Verses about Learning and Growing
Today, I Choose JOY.
Choose Every Opportunity To Experience Joy!
Thanks for reading, Dear Friends!
Have a wonderfully blessed, stress-free, productive, and joyful day!
Much Love & Blessings,Â
Bomi Jolly ~
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