The Blessing of Family and Friends.

The Blessing of Family and Friends. *Please keep reading to the end, then listen to Today’s Podcast/Audio Devotional; Or, Click here to listen to Today’s Short Inspirational Podcast right now. (2 min) A while ago, my family and I were visiting my parents. We were expecting one of my sisters along with her family to … Read more

Silence is not weakness.

Silence is not weakness. 8/4/2017 I woke up with those words on my mind, on my lips, and on my fingers, ready to write! 🙂 You see, I had a dream last night where I had said those words emphatically. In the dream, I was having a conversation with a few ladies. I think one … Read more

I Am Praying For You Today!

I Am Praying For You Today! Dear Friends, I am praying for you today. First, “I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called – his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance.” (Ephesians 1:18, NLT) I … Read more

Do You Really Believe? An Encouraging Devotional.

Do You Really Believe? An Encouraging Devotional. Do You Really Believe? Why do you worry? Why do you fear? Why do you dwell in the pit of regret? Do you really believe in the God you profess? Do you really believe that God is for us? Do you really believe that God is looking out … Read more

Thank you Jesus, Thank you Lord!

Thank you Jesus, Thank you Lord! Dear God, we come before you saying Thank you Jesus, Thank you Lord! Thank you Jesus for the blessing of another day! Thank you for our dear family and friends! Thank you for good health, strength and energy! Thank you Lord because we have a roof over our heads! … Read more