God Is Watching Over You! 16 Encouraging Bible Verses & Scripture Reminders That God Is Watching Over You And Me.
16 Inspirational, Motivational, Uplifting & Encouraging Bible Verses, Scriptures, Quotes & Passages reminding us that God Is Watching Over Me, God Is Watching Over You, and God Is Watching Over Us. Thank you Jesus, Thank you God!
Encouraging Bible Verses:
Genesis 28:15, NIV I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.
Psalm 121:5-6, NLT The Lord himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon at night.
2 Chronicles 16:9a, NLT The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
Psalm 32:8, NIV I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
Psalm 121:8, NLT The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.
Proverbs 15:3, NIV The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
Deuteronomy 32:10, NIV In a desert land he found him, in a barren and howling waste. He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye.
Deuteronomy 11:12, NIV It is a land the Lord your God cares for; the eyes of the Lord your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end.
Psalm 141:3, ESV Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!
Matthew 6:4, NIV So that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
Psalm 33:18, NLT The LORD watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love. (What does it mean to fear God?)
Job 34:21, NLT For God watches how people live; he sees everything they do. (God loves you and cares for you! God knows all and sees all!)
Psalm 34:15, NLT The eyes of the LORD watch over those who do right; his ears are open to their cries for help.
Genesis 31:49b, NIV May the LORD keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other.
Jeremiah 1:12, ESV Then the LORD said to me, “You have seen well, for I am watching over my word to perform it.”
Psalm 121:8, NIV the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. (Amen!)
See also:
12 Bible Verses About God’s Protection
God is looking out for you
God’s got your back.
God Is Watching Over You! 16 Encouraging Bible Verses & Scripture Reminders That God Is Watching Over You And Me.
Thanks for reading, Dear Friends!
Have a wonderfully blessed, stress-free, productive, and joyful day!
Much Love & Blessings,
Bomi Jolly ~ JollyNotes.com
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