Resolve Problems Quickly: With God’s help, and By God’s grace. GO RIGHT AWAY!

So I started asking him at drop off time, before he ran off with his backpack on: What do we do when we need to use the bathroom? And he would smile, with his 20 little teeth shining, and shout along with his brother – “GO RIGHT AWAY”!!! Thankfully, he no longer waits till he gets home to use the bathroom. Yay! 😀 But hearing my boys yell “Go right away” whenever I ask them that big question always reminds me of how to handle my business too!

This whole situation made me think of how we will sometimes not act on or deal with issues that should be dealt with, maybe because we are not comfortable doing what needs to be done, or we are shy, embarrassed, angry, or whatever. We keep “holding it in” and we don’t deal with it. But of course, these issues don’t go away. They will keep getting bigger and bigger, and likely become more painful to address the longer we wait. Another unfortunate danger of waiting – like we discussed earlier, is that we might actually lose control of the situation one day and have it all blow up! And finally, holding stuff in – whether poop or issues, can affect our health negatively! Holding it in is just never a good idea.

So I wanted to share this friendly reminder with you as well as myself :). If there’s something, anything, that you need to deal with, please pray, ask God for wisdom, strength, help and direction, and please, GO! Friends, When God instructs you to do something, do it right away ~ GO RIGHT AWAY. God will help you! Related: When God calls, he also equips

Do you:
Need to right a wrong? GO RIGHT AWAY!
Need to forgive someone? GO RIGHT AWAY!
Need to end a bad relationship? GO RIGHT AWAY!
Need to ask for someone’s forgiveness? GO RIGHT AWAY!
Need to confess something you’ve done? GO RIGHT AWAY!
Need to break hold of a sin or an addiction nobody else knows about? GO RIGHT AWAY!
Need to make amends one way or another, even if it’s “no big deal”? GO RIGHT AWAY!

*Continued on the next page, please scroll down to navigate to the next page.

How To Accept Jesus Into Your Heart
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